Summer Offers

Long Summer Intro


Unlimited classes to use in 4 weeks*

*Available to purchase until the 13th August. Activates on purchase.

Summer Back to Yoga


Unlimited classes to use in 4 weeks*

*Available to purchase until the 13th August. Activates on purchase. Suitable for lapsed yogis of 5 months or more.

Summer 20 Class Card


20 Classes to use within 12 months*

20% off usual price.
*Activates on purchase.

Why not use our summer packages to get yourself on the 4 x 4 challenge?

Why not use our summer packages to get yourself on the 4 x 4 challenge?


Summer Challenge

Starting now, commit to practicing 4 classes a week for 4 consecutive weeks. You'll be amazed at how great you feel by simply keeping this promise to yourself and maintaining your practice all summer long!

Sign up at reception.

Let your fellow yogis know if you’re joining the challenge.
Share the love and help keep each other accountable!